Indy Friends Network Development

Official Charter Verbiage so far: HERE

We are currently using our Ideas system as the place to report bugs, AS WELL AS if you have thoughts and additions/changes to the Official CHARTER of the IFN. We will be installing a better SUPPORT ticket system as soon as we have enough members to afford to do so. Our ROADMAP to what we are building is HERE.

Indy Friends Network

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    Building a CHARTER
    7 months agoopen1
    As the Indy Friends Network (IFN) is intended to be structure that runs Indyfest USA, our first order of business is building a Charter. I will put forth parts of charters I've used in the past, an... Read more...

1): Indy Friends Network (IFN) CHARTER Mission Statement: This charter defines and governs that which the IFN is doing. For any official Indyfest project, development, or plan…there is to be official verbiage to apply IFN guidelines to it. The IFN runs only on guidelines, as rules are for those who cant follow guidelines. Together, the IFN will build and develop the structures needed to pursue prosperity, fun and happiness for all.

1A): Membership
1A1): Membership in the Indyfest USA website, is not membership in the IFN. The free account you can get by signing up in the website, is so everyone can interact in Indyfest on whatever level they want with no obligations. To have say in the IFN developments, and voting rights, and to be able to step into any roles that are defined, the member must enhance their account by getting the Supporter Badge.
      1A1a): $5.00 of each Supporter Badge, and renewal thereof, AFTER the threshold in the treasury of funding the website and software upkeep is paid to Dimestore Productions to fund further development, research, and its own projects.
      1A1b): All of the rest of each member type, or level therein, the dues goes to the IFN Treasury.
1A2): Creation of membership sets and levels within. Chains of command are the keys to successful growth of any organization. Thus, each topic or section or aspect of what the IFN can do is controlled by people filling a role. For any development a member must be in charge of the proposal to proceed.

1B): Expanding the IFN (Ideas System)
1B1): Members in good standing are welcome to use our structure to expand our scope by request and vote of confidence of a person in charge of new development.
      1B1a): All passed proposals shall have their verbiage added as a new section, or replacement of active verbiage in this charter.
      1B1b): The IFN is not here to do things for you. It is here to provide tools and information so you can do the things you want to, better and with friends. That said, anything that Indyfest can AUTOMATE that helps us all, allowing for members to save work and money in their independent hobbies, or operations, serves our mission statement.
1B2): Present your ideas by using the form on the top right of this page.
     1B2a): Ideas submitted will be reviewed, discussed, and wording refined as needed, in a public space, to put it into a voteable condition.
     1B2b): Once the submitter, staff, and public are satisfied with calling a vote on the idea, a poll will be conducted using Section 2 guidelines.

1C): Official Member Positions and Powers ((to be defined: do we have president/chairman (not the founder) or a more of a council set up. etc.))
1C1): FOUNDER: The IFN was founded by Ian Shires.
      1C1a): As so, he is in charge of the maintenance of the spirit of how the IFN works. ((minus such positions as developed and filled, placing others in charge of parts as needed and defined in this charter.))
      1C1b): The Founder holds only tie breaking or veto power in votes on that which the IFN takes on in the guidelines we create to guide us.
      1C1c): In the event of the Founder’s death, the Tiebreaker/Veto power will transfer to his estate in perpetuity. 

2): Voting in the IFN.
2A): Not all votes have the same impact,
2A1): The IFN will use discretion in choosing thresholds for passing motions. 
     2A1a): Considerations shall be given to which feature or position in Indyfest is being developed or created in new verbiage.
     2A1b): Votes can be directed at any member set within the overall voting membership, or otherwise weigh a group within the IFN for effected member opinion
2A2): The “Pay Attention” Rule
     2A2a): The ongoing IFN Charter refinement, does not require you to vote, but you are encouraged to.
     2A2b): If there is a threshold called for that requires “% of all eligible voters”, the time limit set for open voting will cut off the vote to percents based on how many actually voted.
     2A2c): If there is something in this charter that you would like to see changed, it is up to you to use the Ideas system to present your ideas.

2B): Voting Regulations
2B1): No guideline shall be brought to vote that purposefully discludes any individual qualified voting member from voting.
2B2): All voting in the IFN shall be conducted in a publicly visible and transparent way.
2B3): We will send vote notice to specific segments of the membership sets as developed and noted in idea vote development, but those in other groups, who have passed the pay attention rule, will also be allowed to vote in the issue.

3): Treasury system
3A): The IFN shall keep a treasury record and balence to fund all projects or events that we are involved in, on a public treasury page for all to see.
3A1): Website Upkeep Guidelines.
3A1a): All member dues collected shall be used to pay for hosting, licenses, support contracts for the website, for the busines year, before ANY other payout can be authorized.
3A1b): The Treasurer shall calculate and display all obligations of the IFN website separate of any other plans, operations, salaries, etc.
3A1c): Once this threshold is reached each year, all additional member dues will go into the general fund of the IFN, along with any other surplus, profit or monies generated by IFN guideline.
3A2): Monies Surplus Guidelines.
3A2a): Monies not used in the course of the year, shall balence forward and be used to cover the new years 3A1 guidelines first, effectively lowering the number of dues payers needed to reach solvency.
3A2b): All projects and guidelines that require funding will have official verbiage for the treasurer to be able to pay out or use any portion of the surplus for anything.

4): Terms of service, privacy policy, and laws
4A): Dimestore Productions, as the owner and operating body that oversees the Indyfest USA marketplace and website, is required to maintain proper documentation and publicly viewable documents.
4A1): The Terms of Service is a legal document that details everything and otherwise protects us, and our vendors and customers, from liability.
4A2): The Privacy Policy is a required document by internet powers that be, and is posted publicly.
4A3): This Charter hereby recognises these items as being incorporated into, and part of, this Charter.
4A4): No guideline in this charter may override any Term or statement in these documents as noted.
4B): Dimestore hereby grants the membership of the Indy Friends Network use of the membership dues, and any other profit that arises from the management of the Treasury, as written in this charter

5.) Member cred points system 

6.) Crowdfunding of Projects

7.) Advertising in Indyfest

8.) Event Presentation/usage

9.) Jobs Management

10.) Market Usage


While the CHARTER is control of who is doing what….the Roadmap is the goals set out by those who are involved so far. So here are points are interest to help you see and decide if you support our efforts. If you like what you hear, SPEND THE $15 a year to be a Supporter, without you, we cant make these things reality.

GOAL #1: Upgrade/max up our server. 

We are set up to run a lot of software. Most of it is turned off right now because our server is not big enough to run it all. It will cost $3,600 a year to max up our resources, and be able to run whatever we want. That translates to 240 supporting members needed, so that we can continue development and turning on new features that are waiting for us. Let me stress, the features waiting don’t cost additional themselves. They just need the server to run them all at the same time. Here is a list of features installed, functional, but turned off right now:

Donations: So we can set up and run gofundme type project funding for everyone to use at much lower payout to the company running it, because of our Treasury clauses in the charter…give any proceeds on such back to the treasury YOU control with your supporter votes.

Credit System: So we can initiate our Badge page, and basically, pay you to advertise your stuff in indyfest, as credits will be good for advertising.

Advertising: You’ll note we have no ads anywhere yet. It’s waiting.

Event Management: The software to list, promote, and support Events, also waiting

Jobs Management: The software to offer and go after, real jobs, in support of our Indy Community, also waiting.

Goal #2: Upgrading software

Most of the software mentioned above, also have pro versions, or add-ons that we’re going to want. I will list the features, and how many supporters it will take to get each, I’m doing it that way instead of just listing a cost, because some are yearly license’s, therefore raise the minimum number of supporters needed to maintain the level of service we want to reach together.